Wednesday 10 September 2008

Download Fuck mp3


Artist: Fuck: mp3 download





Those Are Not My Bongos

 Those Are Not My Bongos

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 16
Pardon My French

 Pardon My French

   Year: 1997   

Tracks: 16
Pretty... Slow

 Pretty... Slow

   Year: 1996   

Tracks: 9

Resigning themselves to a calling of obscureness simply by virtue of their list, Fuck formed in Oakland, California in 1993 after isthmus members Timmy Prudhomme (vocals), Kyle Statham (guitar, fiddle), Ted Ellison (bass, piano) and Geoff Soule (drums) became fast friends patch detained in a law property mobile phone. Establishing their habitation stand on the other side of the laurus nobilis in San Francisco (although Prudhomme currently relocated to New York City, forcing a bi-coastal musical innovation), they bowleg in 1994 with the individual "Scalawag Beauty Shotgun," followed by a series of seven-inches and compilation appearances which plant the coarseness of their byname systematically at odds with the increasing fairness of their popcraft. The group's full-length debut, Pretty...Slow, appeared in 1996 on trey separate labels -- Rhesus (Fuck's let imprint), Walt and Esther (presently renamed Lamplighter) -- with funding and distribution costs shared out evenly between each fellowship; the same consider was in federal agency for Baby Loves a Funny Bunny, issued that like year, just in 1997 Fuck signed to Matador, where they released the fantabulous Forgiveness My French. Carry followed a class later; Cupid's Cactus was issued in early 2001.

Sunday 31 August 2008

The CYPHER� Sirolimus-eluting Coronary Stent Outperforms The Taxus� Stent In People With Diabetes

�In patients with diabetes, the CYPHER� Sirolimus-eluting Coronary Stent outperformed the Taxus� Stent with significantly frown rates of in-segment restenosis (a reblockage within the stented surface area), target lesion revascularization (TLR; the need for another interventional procedure) and major adverse events (MACE, a composite of death, heart attack and TLR) at nine months according to clinical data appearing lately in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

In this multi-center randomized clinical test, the sextet month charge per unit of in-segment restenosis was more than five times lower for the CYPHER� Stent compared to the Taxus� Stent (4.0 percent vs. 20.8 percent respectively (p

"These information provide interventional cardiologists with valuable modern information just about the utilisation of drug-eluting stents in patients with diabetes, whose coronary arteria disease presents such therapeutical challenges," aforesaid Seong-Wook Park, M.D., PhD, F.A.C.C., and Principal Investigator of this trial. Dr. Park is from the Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. Cordis has no financial relationship with Dr. Park.

"The pregnant reduction in restenosis associated with the CYPHER� Stent, which translated to better outcomes for patients in terms of TLR and overall MACE, is impressive. It as well is encouraging to line the data in this study on the safety of the CYPHER� Stent in this difficult-to-treat patient role population," Dr. Park continued.

There was no difference between the deuce drug-eluting stents in the rates of death or myocardial infarction (heart attack). The charge per unit of last was 0 percent for the CYPHER� Stent vs. 0.5 percent for the Taxus� Stent (p=0.999). The incidence of heart attack between the two groups was 0.5 pct (p=0.999).

The study included a total of 400 patients divided equally between the CYPHER� Stent and the Taxus� Stent (200 each) from five-spot academic medical centers in Korea between May 2005 and March 2006. All patients had clinically outlined diabetes. This study was supported by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (Korea) and a assignment from the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare.

"This study adds to the growing physical structure of clinical evidence around the CYPHER� Stent in diabetics with coronary arteria disease," said Campbell Rogers, M.D., Chief Technology Officer, Cordis Corporation. "These information are coherent with other recently reported clinical visitation data that clearly indicate that the CYPHER� Stent performs other than than the Taxus� Stent in diabetics, which has been a topic of discussion and debate within the medical community for some time."

The CYPHER� Stent does not have an approved indication for role in patients with diabetes in the United States.

About the CYPHER� Stent

The CYPHER� Stent has been chosen by cardiologists worldwide to treat or so three gazillion patients with coronary arteria disease. The safety and efficacy of the device is supported by a robust clinical trial programme that includes more than 70 studies that examine the operation of the CYPHER� Stent in a broad mountain chain of patients.

For more finish information on indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions, see the Instructions for Use available at

About Cordis Corporation

Cordis Corporation, a Johnson & Johnson company, is a ecumenical leader in the development and manufacture of interventional vascular technology. Through the company's invention, research and development, Cordis partners with interventional cardiologists worldwide to treat millions of patients who brook from vascular disease. More information virtually Cordis Corporation can be found at

Cordis Corporation has entered into an exclusive world-wide license with Wyeth for the localised delivery of sirolimus in certain w. C. Fields of utilization, including delivery via vascular stenting. Sirolimus, the

Thursday 21 August 2008

Risk Assessment Plays Key Role In Long-Term Treatment Of Breast Cancer

� Breast cancer patients and their physicians may make more informed, semipermanent treatment decisions using risk of infection assessment strategies to help determine chance of recurrence, a inquiry team lED by scientists at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reported in the Aug. 12 online issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

The 2,838 women studied were diagnosed with Stage I through III knocker cancers and had been treated with adjuvant systemic therapy (AST), such as chemotherapy and or tamoxifen between 1985 and 2001, and were in the M. D. Anderson Tumor Registry. The patients in the study were cinque years from the begin of their AST and were cancer-free. The researchers calculated the residual or remaining risk of return from the benchmark of five eld from the start of AST and determined the factors that contributed to a higher residual risk of recurrence.

"Understandably, one of the most common questions posed by bosom cancer survivors is 'What are the chances of it approaching back?'," said the study's leading author, Abenaa Brewster, M.D., assistant prof in M. D. Anderson's Department of Clinical Cancer Prevention. "Now we can buoy tell some women within a certain percentage their future endangerment of recurrence and clinicians may be able to make more informed decisions regarding prescription of prolonged adjuvant endocrine therapy."

Data analysis revealed that 89 percent of the study populations did not feel a recurrence at five-spot years (about 10 years after a woman's initial diagnosis), and 80 percent did non experience a recurrence at 10 years (approximately 15 years after diagnosis).

Brewster commented that, while reassuring for most of the five-year survivors, the per centum of the population world Health Organization had a recurrence is significant to oncologists.

"The magnitude of risk of recurrence should indicate a need for us to consider extensive endocrine treatment for eligible women to further lower their risks," said Brewster. Additionally, the study did not include women wHO received adjuvant systemic therapy with trastuzamab or five-spot years of aromatase inhibitor treatment and therefore the residual risk of exposure of recurrence among those groups of patients could not be determined.

Median follow-up time for women in the study was 28 months. During that time, 216 of the women experient a recurrence. The five-year residual risks of return for patients with Stage I, II and III cancers were 7 percent, 11 pct and 13 percent severally. Patients with Stage II or III versus Stage I disease and patients with mark I versus grade III tumors had a higher risk of late return. Patients wHO had oestrogen receptor-positive tumors who received adjuvant ductless gland therapy as well had a higher risk of recurrence than those with hormone receptor-negative tumors but the difference was not found to gather statistical significance.

The study also indicated a demand for the continued ontogeny of risk-reduction strategies for pre-menopausal knocker cancer survivors because of lack of available therapies in this younger age group. Currently, extended adjuvant endocrine therapy with letrozole (Femara) is available only for postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor positive tumors who have completed basketball team years of tamoxifen therapy.

Co-authors with Brewster are: Francisco J. Esteva, M.D., Ph.D.; Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, M.D.; Banu K. Arun, M.D.; Aman U. Buzdar, M.D.; Daniel J. Booser, M.D.; Vicente Valero, M.D.; and Shu-Wan C. Kau, B.S.N. of M. D. Anderson's Department of Breast Medical Oncology; Melissa L. Bondy, Ph.D., of M. D. Anderson's Department of Epidemiology; Kristine R. Broglio of M. D. Anderson's Division of Quantitative Sciences; and Cesar A. Santa-Maria of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

About M. D. Anderson

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston ranks as one of the world's most respected centers focused on cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. M. D. Anderson is one of only 41 Comprehensive Cancer Centers designated by the National Cancer Institute. For captain Hicks of the past nine years, M. D. Anderson has graded No. 1 in cancer care in "America's Best Hospitals," a survey published annually in U.S. News and World Report.

University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

More info

Monday 11 August 2008

NHS Report Confirms Top Reliability Ranking For Olympus AU640

�Olympus is pleased to announce that for the second sequent year the Olympus AU640 clinical chemistry analyser has been base to be the most reliable over a 12 month study period. These findings ar detailed in the of late published NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency Analyser Monitoring Programme Annual report 2006-20071.

The comparitive NHS sketch assesses the reliability of any mid to high throughput biochemistry and immunochemical assay analyser, as well as the support provided by the tool suppliers. The AU640, in one case again shared top ranking on the survey. The AU640 had a beggarly monthly downtime of just 6 hours, compared to 25 hours downtime time of some analysers registered on the Analyser Monitoring Programme.

As evidenced by the AU640 in the new news report, the reliability and quality of support for all Olympus analysers is predominant.

"Once once more, we ar extremely proud of with the results of this latest report," said Kerri Breasley, Olympus Commercial Marketing Manager, Clinical Chemistry. "The lately launched Olympus AU680 is now set to extend these high standards laid down by the AU640, and to become the latest member of 'The Olympus category heritage group' renowned for reliability and quality."

1. NHS Purchasing and Supplies Agency (PASA) Centre for Evidence-based Purchasing (CEP) Analyser Monitoring Programme. Annual write up 2006-7 (CEP 08001).

NHS Purchasing and Supplies Agency

NHS PASA CEP evaluates aesculapian technologies and the evidence that supports their use from the perspective of technical, clinical and monetary value effectiveness to enable health care professionals to make sound investment decisions. The full Analyser Monitoring Programme account (CEP 08001) is available at hTTP://

NHS Purchasing and Supplies Agency

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Abbott Agrees To Settle Lawsuit Over Price Of Antiretroviral Norvir

Abbott Laboratories on Wednesday agreed to pay between $10 million and $27.5 meg to settle down an antimonopoly lawsuit filed by HIV/AIDS advocates and other drug companies o'er an increase in the price of the company's antiretroviral drug Norvir, the AP/International Herald Tribune reports (AP/International Herald Tribune, 7/31).

Abbott in December 2003 quadrupled the per-patient wholesale price of Norvir, which is known generically as norvir. Norvir in the main is victimized as a booster for other peptidase inhibitors. Abbott exempted Medicaid, Medicare and state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs from the price increase and announced it would extend its patient assistance program. The cost of Norvir increased from $51.30 for 30 100-milligram capsules to $257.10 for 30 100-mg capsules, or by $5,000 more annually. In a suit filed in October 2007, GlaxoSmithKline and several pharmaceutics chains -- Safeway, Walgreen, Kroger, Supervalu's New Albertson's and American Sales -- also alleged that Abbott "unlawfully extensive its monopoly position as the sole provider of Norvir" by increasing the drug's toll (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 11/12/07).

The colonization will need to be approved by a federal judge in Oakland, Calif., where the suit was scheduled to go to trial next month, the AP/Herald Tribune reports. In addition, the final amount of the payout depends on an appeals court ruling of three legal questions, Abbott spokesperson Melissa Brotz said. Attorneys for the plaintiffs did not return calls for gossip.

Abbott is facing six-spot other antimonopoly lawsuits filed by 16 companies, the AP/Herald Tribune reports. Two other lawsuits filed in Illinois have been laid-off (AP/International Herald Tribune, 7/31). "The price adjustment of Norvir was a logical response to advances that Abbott scientists made in treating HIV and captured the fairish value of its unexampled use as a bolster" in combination therapies," Abbott spokesperson Scott Stoffel said. He added that Abbott sees the settlement as being "in the best interests of both parties." According to Stoffel, the agreement calls for the settlement cash in hand to primarily go to HIV/AIDS-related charities (Graybow, Reuters UK, 7/31).

Reprinted with kind permission from hTTP:// You can view the total Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email deliverance at hypertext transfer protocol://www.kaisernetwork.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Amy Winehouse doesn't have emphysema, spokeswoman says

LONDON - A discrepancy regarding the health of Amy Winehouse arose Monday after the Grammy-winning singer's father said she had early stage emphysema brought on by smoking crack cocaine and cigarettes.

A publicist for Winehouse later said he had misspoken "out of his concern for her."

"She is not diagnosed with full-blown emphysema, but instead has early signs of what could lead to emphysema," Tracey Miller, her U.S.-based representative, told The Associated Press on Monday.

In an interview published Sunday by the Daily Mail of London, Mitch Winehouse said that his daughter's crack and cigarette smoking had led to early-stage emphysema, and that the singer had an irregular heartbeat. He said she had been warned that she will have to wear an oxygen mask unless she stops smoking drugs.

"The doctors have told her if she goes back to smoking drugs, it won't just ruin her voice, it will kill her," Mitch Winehouse was quoted as saying. "There are nodules around the chest and dark marks. She has 70 per cent lung capacity."

However, in an interview later with BBC Radio 1, he appeared to downplay his dire statements, and said: "Amy really hasn't got emphysema, there's traces of emphysema. Obviously, if she doesn't quit smoking, it's going to get worse, like everyone else ... with patience her lungs will recover completely."

He added that she was covered in nicotine patches and is "flourishing" in response to treatments.

Emphysema is a lung disease caused primarily by smoking. It takes years to develop and is mostly seen in people over 45.

The 24-year-old soul diva collapsed at her north London home Monday after signing autographs for a group of fans and was taken to a London hospital for tests. She remained there all week.

She is still scheduled to sing at a concert in London on Friday celebrating the 90th birthday of Nelson Mandela and plans to take part in the Glastonbury music festival the following day.

Mitch Winehouse said it would be good for his daughter to perform.

"When she's been inactive work-wise then that's when the problems really start. The doctors have said that medically there isn't any reason why she can't do Glastonbury," the paper quoted him as saying.

He also pleaded with her drug-taking friends to stay away from her.

"What hope does she have if people are taking drugs around her," he said.

Miller said Winehouse still has hopes to perform at the Mandela concert.

See Also

Sunday 15 June 2008


Artist: Los CRUDOS

Rock: Punk-Rock


Canciones Para Liberar Nuestra   
 Canciones Para Liberar Nuestra

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 17

Crudos - 7 inch   
 Crudos - 7 inch

Tracks: 4

Chicago-based hardcore-punk grouping Los Crudos break open into the john Rock panorama in the early '90s, playing at the Latin neighbourhood of Pilsen. Led by Uruguayan vocaliser Martín Sorrondeguy, this four-piece move started as a fancy to direct social issues commonly related to the Latin community, especially youth people. To release their records, Los Crudos created their possess label, called Lengua Armada, issuance a few singles and the albums Canciones Para Liberar Nuestras Fronteras and 1991-1995 Los Primeros Gritos. The band stone-broke up later on hexad long time of performing in South, Central, and North America.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

David Bowie - The Things They Say 8310

"(I sneaked) out of the house to see a DAVID BOWIE concert and it charged my life. I was grounded for the summer... It was so worth it." MADONNA credits DAVID BOWIE with changing her life.

See Also

Sunday 1 June 2008

Michael Nyman and Ute Lemper

Michael Nyman and Ute Lemper   
Artist: Michael Nyman and Ute Lemper




   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 12


Spears thrilled with TV guest spot

Britney Spears has spoken of her happiness at working as a guest star on the US comedy series 'How I Met Your Mother'.
Reuters reports that Spears is playing a dermatologist's secretary called Abby on the show.
In a statement released by the show's makers CBS, Spears said: Working at 'How I Met Your Mother' has been so terrific. Everyone, including the cast, the crew and the producers, has been wonderful and Abby is such a fun girl to play. I'm having a blast!"
The episode guest starring Spears is expected to air on US TV on 24 March.

Damnation A.D.

Damnation A.D.   
Artist: Damnation A.D.



In This Life Or The Next   
 In This Life Or The Next

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 12


Straight in the deep end

Touring singer k.d. lang talks protest, Buddhism and other zen matters with Russell Baillie
If k.d. lang has a lower profile these days than she once did, nobody's told Australia.The Canadian singer took the place by storm as she started her international touring for new album Watershed - her first batch of original songs in eight years - across the Tasman before hitting New Zealand this week.First Watershed went to number one in the Aussie charts as the sell-out signs went up on her shows.Then she started generating headlines. A practising Buddhist, she turned up in support of pro-Tibet activists as the Olympic torch made its way through Canberra.Then, when a Melbourne cop gave her car an unauthorised VIP escort to the Rove show after a delayed flight from Perth, the ensuing kerfuffle sparking a police internal inquiry.A phone call finds her in Sydney, sounding quite amused by it all - and pleased at the reaction to Watershed, arguably her best album since her touchstone set Ingenue - which it sometimes echoes in its blend of country, torch pop, bossa nova and heartache.

It sure sounds like you've hit town in a big way - number one album, motorcycle escorts and a protest rally ... I didn't even premeditate the protest but when I realised the torch was going to be in Canberra I really had to go. I'm on the board of directors for the American Foundation for Tibetan Cultural Preservation. It's part of my job - it's actually a bigger part of my job than the music industry so I really had to go and be present.Well you are a torch singer.That's funny.And this tour isn't going to China, is it?No I guess probably not going to China. Not for a while.Over your career you've been known for representing causes, other than just making music. Is this another chapter?It just seems things pop up. I don't represent things that I don't truly live and breathe. I've been a vegetarian for 26 years or something; I've been a lesbian my whole life and I've been a Buddhist practitioner for eight years ... I am in the position I can make social commentary on a major stage and so I do.I don't consider myself a political person, funnily enough. It just so happens that's what happens in this lifetime.Makes you wonder what you did in your previous life.Yeah, I have no idea. It's probably better that I don't remember.The last time you toured in these parts it was on the Hymns album [a covers collection of Canadian artists] with an orchestral backing. This time it's a little more minimal isn't it?It's a five-piece band and myself so it's a more traditional k.d. lang sound. But having played the orchestra it has altered the way I am on stage, just like making country records has altered the way I am, or singing with Tony Bennett. It all adds up.

Richard Hammond talks about depression

'Top Gear' star Richard Hammond has revealed that he has suffered from depression since being involved in a high-speed car smash in 2006.
Speaking to The Sunday Times, the television presenter said: "I damaged all the complicated bits of the brain to do with processing and emotional control."
"[I was] prey to every single emotion that swept over me and I couldn't deal with it. I had to relearn things from scratch."
Hammond also said: "I'll still have a week when I'm freaking out about something and I'll realise it's because I'm encountering a new emotional state and I have to evolve a new strategy to cope with it."
"My memory is a lot better but the other day I forgot the PIN numbers to all my cards. All of them. Completely gone."
The star suffered a "significant" brain injury in September 2006 when the jet-powered dragster he was driving went off a track and crashed at a speed of 288mph.

Kelly Rowland - Rowland Madonna Is Allowed To Be A Diva

Singer KELLY ROWLAND has hit out at British festival organisers who have blasted MADONNA's outrageous backstage demands - insisting she is allowed to be a diva.
The ...

Radiohead 'Creep'ed out by Prince cover

WASHINGTON - After word spread that Prince covered Radiohead’s “Creep” at the Coachella music festival, the tens of thousands who couldn’t be there ran to YouTube for a peek. Everyone was quickly denied - even Radiohead.
All videos of Prince’s unique rendition of Radiohead’s early hit were quickly taken down, leaving only a message that his label, NPG Records, had removed the clips, claiming a copyright violation. But the posted videos were shot by fans and, obviously, the song isn’t Prince’s.
In a recent interview, Thom Yorke said he heard about Prince’s performance from a text message and thought it was “hilarious.” Yorke laughed when his Radiohead band mate, guitarist Ed O’Brien, said the blocking had prevented him from seeing Prince’s version of their song.

“Really? He’s blocked it?” asked Yorke, who figured it was their song to block or not. “Surely we should block it. Hang on a moment.”
Yorke added: “Well, tell him to unblock it. It’s our . . . . song.”
YouTube prohibits the posting of copyrighted material. If the site receives a complaint from a copyright owner, it will in most cases remove the video(s). Whether the same could be done for a company not holding a copyright is less clear, but Yorke’s argument seems to bear credence according to YouTube’s policies. YouTube, which is owned by Google, declined to comment. Prince also did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The dispute was an interesting twist in debates about digital ownership, held between two major acts with differing views on music and the Internet. Radiohead famously released its most recent album, “In Rainbows,” as a digital download with optional pricing. They also have a channel on YouTube.
When Prince performed at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio, Calif., on April 26, he prohibited the standard arrangement of allowing photographers to shoot near the stage during the first three songs of his set. Instead, he had a camera crew filming his performance.
Prince fans have organized to urge him to relent in his legal fights to control images and photographs of himself. As of Thursday, the most popular YouTube clip about Prince playing “Creep” is an expletive-laden rant from Sam Conti Jr., who describes himself as a “former Prince fan.”

Barack Obama leads field in campaign songs

Candidate songs have taken off on YouTube

NEW YORK -- Barack Obama is closing in on the Democratic nomination for president, but he clinched the race for the best campaign soundtrack long ago -- no superdelegates needed.
John McCain and Hillary Clinton also have plenty of musical support in the first presidential election of the YouTube era. But from's star-studded viral hit "Yes We Can" to amateur odes folk to Spanish-language tunes and even a Jamaican reggae tribute, Obama is the leader in what observers are calling a new form of political campaigning.
"Songs about candidates have really taken off," said Steve Grove, head of YouTube's news and politics division. "They've found a new way to support their candidates. ... it stretches from regular average voters all the way up to somebody like in terms of being kind of like a new, broader trend in political video."
Annie Palovcik is one of those regular people. She penned the prideful folk tune "Illinois Boy" for Obama when he first came to national prominence a few years back -- then put it on the Web when Obama became a serious presidential contender this year.
"The concepts of his character and the place of Illinois filtered through my mind into this allegorical country song," said Palovcik, a songwriter and manager of two musicians.
"He is energizing those around him, daring them to look for a new way to dream," she said.
Not that Obama has a lock on musical inspiration. McCain has had songs penned for him, such as "Lead the Way" by a lawyer named Judd Kessler. Clinton has inspired numerous tuneful tributes -- no less than Sir Elton John gave her a benefit concert in April -- and "Stuck on Huck" was recorded for Mike Huckabee. Even Republican long shot Ron Paul had a song about him that got 60,000 views on YouTube.
Obama has strong support among young people, which may explain some of his Internet music presence. While Grove said there's no specific statistical data to prove it, just on YouTube alone "it seems that (Obama) has really garnered a lot of songs. I think the early success of the Obama girl music video (the song by a scantily clad woman that became a national sensation last year) probably had something to do with that."

Even Dulce Maria Gonzalez, a musician who supports Clinton, notices an Obama imbalance: "When I started to write a song for her, I noticed that there weren't that many on YouTube, and then I saw a lot of them, but they're just not as popular as the Obama songs."
She's hoping her "We Need A Woman" will help reverse the trend. Featuring Gonzalez crooning about Clinton's feminine power, the midtempo tune has garnered about 5,000 views on YouTube ('s "Yes We Can," in comparison, has gotten more than five million).
"I wanted to do something special for her, and let her know that she did have a Latin vote, and a young vote as well, and give her this song as a gift," said the resident of Brownsville, Texas.
It's not just musicians writing songs to show their support for Obama. Rolling Stone put him on the cover when endorsing him for president, Bruce Springsteen has announced his support, while performers like OK Go and Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz have performed for his benefit. Jay-Z has been taking time out on stage during his tour to flash a picture of Obama and tell the audience, "It's time for a change."
"Musicians generally do not like authority, establishment or bureaucracy. Obama is the first candidate in my lifetime, certainly in memory, that represents any kind of new wave of change," said Craig Wedren of the rock group Shudder to Think, which was part of an indie-rock bill, including OK Go, that recently gave a concert for Obama.
It's hard to pinpoint whether the popularity of songs translates into any particular voting surge. released "We Are The Ones" a few days before the Ohio and Texas primaries, but Clinton won both states.
But there has been record turnout in many states this year. said he specifically used music to support Obama instead of just lending his celebrity because "people are tired of that."
His song "is driven by inspiration and it's creative and it's love, it isn't anything else," he said.
That's what makes the majority of these songs so key, especially for Obama, Grove said.
"The dream scenario, by the way, is what the Obama campaign has basically landed, which is to inspire a group of supporters to do this on their own without any real top-down campaign control," he said.
And if candidates can move the songwriter, they may be able to move the nation as well.
"I keep wondering, if (Obama) is inspiring so much creativity for songwriters," asked Palovcik, "what is he doing for farmers?"